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Ogygia is the fifth season premiere of Prison Break, and the eighty-second episode overall. It is aired in the United States on April 4, 2017 on FOX.


Upon release from Fox River State Penitentiary, Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell receives a mysterious letter indicating that Michael Scofield is alive. He takes it to Lincoln Burrows, who proceeds to notify Sara Scofield, and dig up Michael's grave, only to discover there is no body.

Lincoln noted that he was being followed from the airport since he touched down. A mysterious man tried to hijack Lincoln's car at the traffic during the red light, which led to the tossing of Lincoln's car into a river. Lincoln managed to survive the accident, realizing that someone was trying to kill him. He then made a call to Sara, warning her about the mysterious man in the black car who had been following him and tried to kill him moments ago, and to Sara's horror, the car was seen to have made an arrival outside Sara's home. Sara quickly called 911 for help and Jacob, her husband, to get the gun she had hidden somewhere behind the artwork in their home. Sara was within a hair's breadth away from the attacker before the police arrived on time. Jacob suffered a gunshot through his leg whilst trying to stop the intruder.

Further investigation finds that Michael is at Ogygia Prison in Sana'a, Yemen. Lincoln travels there with Benjamin Miles Franklin, where Michael, with new hand and arm tattoos, refuses to recognize either man.


Main Cast[]

Guest starring[]

Special guest starring[]



The episode takes place in Chicago, Ithaca, NY, and Yemen. Yemen sequences were filmed in Morocco.


  • "Ogygia" is an island in Homer's Odyssey where Odysseus was held captive for 7 years.
  • This episode retconned a few things from the Season 4 finale "Killing Your Number":
    • Michael's date of death was changed from 2005 to 2010.
    • Michael was buried in New York and not Panama.
    • Mike Jr's date of birth was changed from 2006 to 2011.
  • This is the first episode since he was first introduced back in the Season 2 premiere "Manhunt" that Alexander Mahone has not appeared in.


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